Friday, July 27, 2007

Pro-Choice Advocates Charged with Hypocracy


A pro-life activist says Democratic White House hopefuls who are promoting universal abortion coverage on the campaign trail are speaking out of both sides of their mouths.
Mark Crutcher, the president of Life Dynamics, Incorporated, says the American abortion industry's "choke-hold" on the Democratic Party is evidenced by the fact that at least two of the party's leading presidential candidates are promoting universal abortion coverage. Democratic presidential candidates Senator Barack Obama (D-Illinois) and John Edwards have announced their universal healthcare proposals would provide insurance coverage for abortions.
Elizabeth Edwards recently told the Planned Parenthood Action Fund that her husband's plan would cover "all reproductive health services, including pregnancy termination." Crutcher says the Edwards and Obama plans reaffirm that the Democratic Party is "owned lock, stock and barrel" by the abortion industry -- and expose the two candidates as "hypocrites and liars."
"Out of one side of their mouth, they say that abortion is none of the government's business and the government has to stay out of it -- but on the other side of their mouth, they say the government has a responsibility to pay for abortion. Now which one is it?" he asks.
The conservative commentator also adds that in order to be the standard-bearer in the Democratic Party today, one must be "completely and unashamedly sold-out to the wholesale slaughter of the unborn."
"It's the threat of a gun, basically," he explains. "They're going to take money out of our pocketbook -- and when I say the threat of a gun, understand something: if you don't pay your taxes, you go to jail. And they're going to take money out of your pocket and out of mine to pay for what we know is the murder of a child."
Frontrunner Hillary Clinton has yet to unveil her healthcare plan, but Crutcher notes that in the eight years of her husband's presidency, there was only one group Bill Clinton was completely loyal to -- the abortion industry.

Unfortunately, the guy's right. You can't have it both ways. You can't argue that it is an inherently personal choice that the government has no business being involved in...and then demand the government get involved. You can't say that the Government has no business in reproduction, and then force the governmental foot in the door.

The end result of this policy is simple. It gives very simple legal argument to the government having control over abortion. Everything the government funds it controls, period. Maybe liberals will never use this control on abortion, but if Republicans get back into power, they will. And no one will be able to use the argument that the government can't regulate it. Because by the government paying for something, it invariably controls it.

Liberals everywhere had better hope this never passes, otherwise it puts government in direct control of the womb, and takes your opinion out of it.

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