Friday, July 27, 2007

Better Denounce Them

I'm sure fellow leftists are lining up to denounce ACORN:

7 charged with voter registration fraud

ACORN did the right think and submitted money to defray the costs of the investigation.

SEATTLE (AP) - King County prosecutors filed felony charges Thursday against seven people in what a top official described as the worst case of voter-registration fraud in state history, while the organization they worked for agreed to keep a better eye on its employees and pay $25,000 to defray costs of the investigation.
Satterberg, Reed and other officials stressed that the defendants were motivated by financial gain rather than any desire to toy with the outcome of an election. They said that in one sense, ACORN was victimized because it paid for voter-registration work that was never performed.
But in interviews with King County Sheriff's Detective Chris Johnson, several of the defendants - while freely admitting they forged the forms - insisted that they had been told ACORN would shut down their office in Tacoma if they didn't improve their numbers, Johnson wrote in a probable cause statement.
One, Ryan Olson, said another worker in the office told him "do what you have to do" to turn in more cards.
ACORN's oversight of the workers was virtually nonexistent - to the extent that civil charges could have been warranted, Satterberg said.

It's quite apparent that these people were more motivated by fear of losing their jobs than political bias, but that's really irrelevant. Because, in politics, as in most of life, appearance is everything. And here you have a group of people falsifying records for a seemingly liberal group. How can this do anything other than harm general impressions of the public about the left?

It'd do a world of good for the left if a couple Democratic leaders denounced this nonsense, and ACORN had an overall of their quota system that led to this fiasco.

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