Friday, August 15, 2008

Obama Could Make His Biggest Blunder

In who he chooses as his running mate.

BOSTON (WBZ) ― Barack Obama has yet to name a vice presidential nominee and some are wondering if he might turn to Massachusetts to round out the ticket.

John Kerry for vice president?

Don't dismiss the notion just yet.

Some political insiders are telling WBZ it could happen.

The article goes on to ask the very first question that popped into my head:

So why would Obama reach out to Kerry as his choice?

Even Heller admits its out there:

"If you're laughing off the idea of Kerry back on the national ticket again, I don't blame you. While he came close four years ago, his campaign was widely derided as, to put it politely, clumsy.

Obama is already being hammered as an out of touch elitist who changes his position every 15 seconds by his Republican opponents. So yeah, lets invite Mr. Flip Flop on the ticket. That's absolutely brilliant. Obama would be done before the end of the week. Hillary would use that to argue that Barack can't win and that she should be the nominee. And the DNC may just buy it.

While the article goes on to list all the strengths that Kerry would neglects that Kerry LOST on all of those areas. If Obama is looking to bolster his military credentials, Kerry is worst person he could go to. It wasn't that long ago that right wing blogs were slamming Kerry for his "get stuck in Iraq comments". Most Democratic pundits believe the Swift Boat Vets killed Kerry the first time around. What? They won't go after Obama too? Better to have no record than a glaring weakness. More Americans believe that McCain is better on foreign issues that Obama. Adding the dude who lost to Bush, air force memos and "dissertion" rumors and all. Will the Winter Soldier really help Obama beat a POW on war issues? Hardly.

Taking in Kerry would confirm with the public everything the Republicans have been saying, he's an out of touch, elitist, arrogant. And it would cost Obama an election that he's already struggling in. Obama may be superman, but John Kerry is political Kryptonite.

h/t Drudge

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