Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Do Something Syndrome on Display

This time from Canada:

Panties for Peace:

The Panties for Peace campaign plays on the regime leaders’ superstitious fear that contact with a woman’s underpants will rob them of their power. Women around the world are asked to post their panties to local Burmese embassies in a bid to strip the regime of its power and bring an end to its gross violations of human rights, especially those committed against Burma’s women.

The only group that has ever shown even close to this kind of stupidity is the group "Boobies Not Bombs". The idea that sending panties to the Burmese government will effect any meaningful change is downright moronic...as even the website admits:

A humanitarian crisis of catastrophic proportions has been playing out in Burma for more than 20 years. Thousands have been killed and many thousands more arrested, forced into slave labour or displaced from their villages by the ruling military regime. Burma’s women have endured rape and other forms of systematic sexual violence employed by the military to enforce its control over the country’s ethnic minorities. On May 3, 2008, Cyclone Nargis brought new and terrible suffering to the people of Burma, suffering made only worse by the military regime’s refusal to promptly accept the international community’s ensuing offers of humanitarian assistance. What began as a natural disaster was soon supplanted by a catastrophe rooted in the pride, paranoia and corruption of Burma’s military rulers.

For decades, this government has endured threats, worldwide mockery, and embargoes, but this...THIS will break the bank. THIS will be the final straw that breaks the camel's back. THIS will be what finally exacts change in a corrupt dictatorship that murders it's people!

And i'm the prince of England!

The idea that doing ANYTHING will bring about results is childish thinking. Certain actions bring about results. Others don't. Even if the regime is afraid of touching women's panties (and I can't find an objective site that backs this up), they'll just throw them away...not touch them. And this seems to be made up out of whole cloth.

Doing SOMETHING...isn't a substitute for doing an action of value. Protestors need to realize this. And stop pretending that every action has an equal consequence.

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