Saturday, September 1, 2007

Supporting the Palestinians...

Becomes a tad more complicated.

Hamas Forces Shoot Own Supporters at Rally; Youth Killed

JERUSALEM, Sept. 1 — Shots from Hamas security forces hit the group’s own supporters in Gaza on Saturday when a rally near the Egyptian border threatened to spiral out of control, witnesses said. One teenager was killed and several other demonstrators were wounded, Palestinian medics said.
Hamas had called for the demonstration, which thousands attended, to protest the closing of the Rafah border crossing. It has been closed since Hamas seized control of Gaza in June.
Members of the Hamas paramilitary police force fired into the air to disperse protesters who were trying to dash into Egypt, the witnesses said. The teenager, identified as Muhammad Qdaih, 17, was hit and died a short while later. A spokesman for the Hamas-run Interior Ministry in Gaza, Ehab al-Ghsein, said officials were trying “to determine where the shot came from.”

We're always hearing about how evil Israel is, but the stories out of Gaza all say the same thing...It's Hamas killing the Palestinian people. And as the article makes QUITE clear, this is far from a one time event.

On Friday, thousands of Palestinians in Gaza defied Hamas to join a Fatah-inspired protest, clashing with Hamas forces. Several protesters were injured and dozens detained, reports from Gaza said. A Fatah spokesman, Ahmed Abdel Rahman, called the protest the start of “a new era in the Palestinian national struggle to cleanse the homeland of Hamas gangs.”

Indeed, there is no shortage of Hamas violence against Palestinians. This is not an abberation.

It makes one wonder however, if Carter's commitment to Palestine is so strong (because of their long term suffering), why is he demanding we give Hamas, the main group oppressing Palestinians, US funding?